7 Seconds to Back Pain Relief Review

Seven Seconds to Pain Relief was created by Roy Palmer who is widely known for his teachings in The Re-Education Method. This method focuses on disproving common assumptions and instead show methods that have been proven over decades of research and trials on how to beat pain in the body for good. Seven Seconds to Pain Relief revels the secrets of lasting relief from back, neck & shoulder pain. Roy has helped back pain sufferers, sports people and performing artists over the last 12 years. He is also the author of three books on the subject of performance enhancement, injury prevention and rehabilitation for athletes.

This Book covers the common questions dealing from conventional medical treatments, physical therapy, proper seating postures, to many others. These are the most likely and common solutions typically presented by medical professionals as the only back pain treatments. Roy on the other hand reveals if back pain is not due to a specific medical condition is it usually a muscular problem. This is the most common problem when people start to face back pain which traditional methods are mostly ineffective at treating. Since the human body is perfectly capable of supporting itself with minimal muscular effort certain postural muscles are ‘designed’ to provide long periods of sustained activity to keep us upright and balanced. Back pain and other muscular-skeletal problems can occur when we ‘misuse’ our body, or in other words use the wrong muscles to sit, stand and move. If we’re not moving correctly I our daily activities we’re going to do the same when trying to perform corrective exercises. By focusing on these areas results in relative quick back pain solutions for reducing or eliminating the most common types of back pain.

"I see many people who tighten their lower back muscles to sit and stand up straight - these are the wrong muscles! They should not be active to keep you upright, this should be a function performed by muscles higher up that will balance your upper body on your spine." -Roy Palmer

Seven Seconds To Pain Relief is not a simple cure all miracle but allows to better understand the facts and puts you on the right track to permeant recovery. If you are looking to address the cause of neck, back or shoulder pain you’ll need not to go deeper. Your muscles are only doing what you tell them to do, but, and here is the big question, do you know what you are telling them to do? In place of exercise a course of re-education will achieve far more by removing your bad habits that are causing your discomfort.

By knowing all of the options and solutions available to you gives you the power to understand what you should and shouldn't do without the run around from a "professional doctor". This book is amazing and you will certainly miss out if you do not pick up a copy for your self. What do you have to lose?? THE BACK PAIN IS WHAT!!!!!

Click here to get relief from back, neck & shoulder pain in just 7 seconds

How Sugar Makes Back Pain 350% Worse!

You don’t need to be a nutritionist to know that simple sugars are no good for our bodies. Although tasty, a consistently high intake of sugar has been shown to increase the risk of all sorts of chronic diseases-everything from heart disease, to obesity, to diabetes.

But what you probably didn’t know is that sugar can also do a number on your back pain!

Your Body’s Response to Sugar

When you eat a lot of simple sugar at one sitting, your body has a really hard time dealing with it all. Because sugar gets absorbed so quickly into our bloodstream, your body has to go into crisis mode to deal with it all.

Otherwise, your blood sugar levels shoot up like a rocket and then suddenly drop down. You’ve probably already experienced this “crash” before-even though I can manage the spike in blood sugar, your body can only do so much.

Sugar Aggravates Back Pain

No one’s quite sure how sugar makes pain worse, but it appears to have direct impact on how our brain perceives pain.

A research study gave two sets of volunteers two different meals. Group 1 ate a lot of complex carbohydrates like vegetables and whole grains. Group 2 received a meal chock full of sugar. During and after the meal, both groups received some painful shocks. When asked about how bad the pain was, the group that had the sugary meal felt twice the level of pain than the group with whole grains.

In essence, this study showed us that the amount of sugar we eat makes the pain we are feeling much worse. The amazing thing from this study is that the effect of sugar was felt in one single meal. Imagine the impact on your pain if you eat sugar all the time!

The researchers theorize that your body’s scramble to get blood sugar under control somehow makes the pain receptors in our brain more sensitize.

Build Your Back, Beat the Pain Naturally!!!

Avoid Sugar, Reduce Back Pain

The easiest way to avoid simple sugars is to avoid processed foods as much as possible. During the manufacturing process, sugar is oftentimes added to food that wouldn’t otherwise have any (like bread).

Unfortunately, although die can cure back pain, just limiting sugar isn’t going to make your back pain go away. However, eating a diet that focuses on including natural foods, you can reduce your pain significantly.

Back Pain Cures: 3 Superfoods That Alleviate Back Pain

You’ve probably seen news reports about certain foods that can naturally reduce back pain. However, what the reporters don’t always tell you which foods work on back pain and which don’t.

Although there are dozens of foods that can help with back pain, only a few can be considered back pain destroying superfoods. These foods have special nutritional properties that go after back pain at its excruciating source: inflammation.

Back Pain Superfood #1: Salmon

The fact that salmon is on this list may not some as a surprise-salmon is a staple of any health nut. In case you didn’t know, the reason salmon is so unbelievably healthy is due to its enormous amount of omega-3s.

Omega-3s have amazing health benefits. The reason that omega-3s can fight such a wide range of diseases is because it makes your body’s inflammation plummet like the Dow Jones( just kidding, its not 2009 anymore)!

If your back hurts, that means that you have inflammation in that area. Although certain medications may slightly decrease inflammation and pain, they are like a pea shooter to a nuclear weapon when compared to salmon.

Back Pain Superfood #2: Extra Virgin Olive Oil

If you’ve ever watched Rachel Ray’s cooking show, she’s always talking about EVOO (extra virgin olive oil) this and EVOO that. Now, her love for olive oil probably has more to do with taste than its ability to relieve back pain, but the sentiment is the same: EVOO is awesome!

If you’ve ever seen your doctor for back pain, one of the first things they probably did (after taking your co-pay) is give you a prescription for some ibuprofen. Ibuprofen is actually decent at reducing inflammation, but it has serious and sometimes deadly side effects.

On the other hand, extra virgin olive oil has the same chemical and biological properties as ibuprofen…with NONE of the vicious side effects.

A Genuine Way To Get Rid of Your Back Pain At Home - Using The Foods You Have Lying Around In Your Kitchen!!

Back Pain Superfood #3: Red Beans

Antioxidants are great for the body. They destroy nasty toxic substances that float around and do damage to your back cells that make pain worse.

The bad news is that most people don’t get nearly enough antioxidants. The chief reason for this is that the vast majority of us don’t go near fruits and vegetables! In case you’re wondering, no, acai berry can’t make up for a low antioxidant intake.

Recently, a University research study investigated the amount of antioxidants in about 100 common foods. They were surprised to find that the food that had the most wasn’t an Amazonian fruit, but a lowly bean. Although most beans were found to have high levels of antioxidants, red beans stood out from the pack.

If you’re frustrated with the success of your back pain treatments, try incorporating some of these superfoods into your diet-you should see a HUGE difference!

Back Pain Relief: 5 Natural steps to amazing relief

In A recently released USA TODAY poll shows 8 in 10 Americans will have back pain in their lifetime. This epidemic is somewhat of a new phenomena in today's world. Luckily there are many simple natural solutions that offer relief to the vast majority of people and do not require expensive medical visits or prescriptions that may in danger your health more than you benefit from it.

1) Caspsaicin cream

Caspsaicin cream is a product that is not typically publicized for use in the treatment of back pain but shows drastic results in a short and inexpensive amount of time. The way Caspsaicin cream works is very similar to how you feel after you have just ate a chili pepper. Its that burring sensation in your mouth which works for you back as well. After all Caspsaicin is the main ingredient in chilies. When this is applied to your skin it has been found to help paralyze neurochemicals that transmit pain to the brain. In many studies it has been found to reduce pain by up to 42% of patients in as little as 3 weeks. Capsaicin cream is widely available at shopping centers, drug stores, and health food stores for as little as $8.00. For that price what do you have to loose.

2) Pilates for Back Pain

Pilates has been used to treat back pain for over a decade with very beneficial results. This allows your body through various poses and stretches to develop the strength and flexibility needed to greatly reduce or eliminate back pain altogether. One of the main reasons why pilates has grown so rapidly in popularity in the recent years was because of the need for people to find natural alternative ways to solve their back and joint problems as opposed to taking multiple prescriptions with mixed results. One of the #1 books to start this movement was Pilates: Relief for back and joint pain with dozens of proven exercise movements and over 10 years of results.

3) Acupuncture

Acupuncture is a proven study that has existed for thousands of years and over time becoming A perfected and effective back pain reliever. According to ancient Chinese medicine pain is the result of energy being blocked along pathways of energy that run through the body. With the use of acupuncture theses pathways become unblocked and relief ensures. According to the professional or scientific reasoning, acupuncture helps the body to release natural opioids that in turn transmit signals through the nervous system telling the brain that the "pain" is no longer in effect. Millions of people have successfully used acupuncture as effect way to relief back pain. Now its your turn. Just a few of over a dozen benefits from acupuncture includes its 100% natural procedure as well as being very affordable for the average person. So what is stopping you now from relief? Almost every city in the U.S. have active doctors practicing the medicine and sessions start around $50-$60 dollars.

The Healthy Back Institute "Less Pain, More LIfe"

4) Chiropractic

The number one reason why people see a chiropractor in the U.S. today is due to back pain. Chiropractic doctors specialize in spinal manipulation and joint mobility. By applying concentrated forces to certain areas of the body causes reduced inflammation and pain encouraging the body to restore naturally. Many studies such as the ones published in The Spine Journal have revealed chiropractic manipulations of the body to be more effective in reducing or eliminating many forms of acute back pain than prescriptions or surgery. Chiropractor's are not only very popular because their methods are proven to work but because many health insurance plans cover visits making it very inexpensive or free of charge to the client.

5) Willow Bark

This particular type of willow bark comes specifically from the white willow tree. This bark has been shown to have the same pain relieving properties aspirin. The main ingredient in this willow bark is converted into the same acid as aspirin once in the body. One study from the the American Journal of medicine focused on people with chronic lower back pain. By week four almost 40% of the patients receiving the high dose extract were pain free and about 22% of those receiving a lower dose were pain free. This was in contrast to those who were in the placebo group who needed pain medication to received the same results.