Back Pain Relief: 5 Natural steps to amazing relief

In A recently released USA TODAY poll shows 8 in 10 Americans will have back pain in their lifetime. This epidemic is somewhat of a new phenomena in today's world. Luckily there are many simple natural solutions that offer relief to the vast majority of people and do not require expensive medical visits or prescriptions that may in danger your health more than you benefit from it.

1) Caspsaicin cream

Caspsaicin cream is a product that is not typically publicized for use in the treatment of back pain but shows drastic results in a short and inexpensive amount of time. The way Caspsaicin cream works is very similar to how you feel after you have just ate a chili pepper. Its that burring sensation in your mouth which works for you back as well. After all Caspsaicin is the main ingredient in chilies. When this is applied to your skin it has been found to help paralyze neurochemicals that transmit pain to the brain. In many studies it has been found to reduce pain by up to 42% of patients in as little as 3 weeks. Capsaicin cream is widely available at shopping centers, drug stores, and health food stores for as little as $8.00. For that price what do you have to loose.

2) Pilates for Back Pain

Pilates has been used to treat back pain for over a decade with very beneficial results. This allows your body through various poses and stretches to develop the strength and flexibility needed to greatly reduce or eliminate back pain altogether. One of the main reasons why pilates has grown so rapidly in popularity in the recent years was because of the need for people to find natural alternative ways to solve their back and joint problems as opposed to taking multiple prescriptions with mixed results. One of the #1 books to start this movement was Pilates: Relief for back and joint pain with dozens of proven exercise movements and over 10 years of results.

3) Acupuncture

Acupuncture is a proven study that has existed for thousands of years and over time becoming A perfected and effective back pain reliever. According to ancient Chinese medicine pain is the result of energy being blocked along pathways of energy that run through the body. With the use of acupuncture theses pathways become unblocked and relief ensures. According to the professional or scientific reasoning, acupuncture helps the body to release natural opioids that in turn transmit signals through the nervous system telling the brain that the "pain" is no longer in effect. Millions of people have successfully used acupuncture as effect way to relief back pain. Now its your turn. Just a few of over a dozen benefits from acupuncture includes its 100% natural procedure as well as being very affordable for the average person. So what is stopping you now from relief? Almost every city in the U.S. have active doctors practicing the medicine and sessions start around $50-$60 dollars.

The Healthy Back Institute "Less Pain, More LIfe"

4) Chiropractic

The number one reason why people see a chiropractor in the U.S. today is due to back pain. Chiropractic doctors specialize in spinal manipulation and joint mobility. By applying concentrated forces to certain areas of the body causes reduced inflammation and pain encouraging the body to restore naturally. Many studies such as the ones published in The Spine Journal have revealed chiropractic manipulations of the body to be more effective in reducing or eliminating many forms of acute back pain than prescriptions or surgery. Chiropractor's are not only very popular because their methods are proven to work but because many health insurance plans cover visits making it very inexpensive or free of charge to the client.

5) Willow Bark

This particular type of willow bark comes specifically from the white willow tree. This bark has been shown to have the same pain relieving properties aspirin. The main ingredient in this willow bark is converted into the same acid as aspirin once in the body. One study from the the American Journal of medicine focused on people with chronic lower back pain. By week four almost 40% of the patients receiving the high dose extract were pain free and about 22% of those receiving a lower dose were pain free. This was in contrast to those who were in the placebo group who needed pain medication to received the same results.

1 comment:

     I’m Stephenie Brown, i was diagnosed with Hepatitis B 3 years ago, i lived in pain with the knowledge that i wasn’t going to ever be well again i contacted so many herbal doctors about herbs to cure me and ended up spending some amount of money but i never got better i was determined to get my lifestyle back and to be able to do things am restricted from doing so one day i saw a lady’s post on how Herbalist Dr. James cured her  from Hiv virus with his herbal medicine. I contacted the same Doctor through his email  we spoke, i told him all that i was going through and he told me not to worry that everything will be more better again so he prepared a herbal medicine and send it to me through DHL courier company and told me the dosage,after 13 days of completing the herbal medicine,i was totally free from Hepatitis,so I went to see a doctor for a blood test ,After taking a sample of my blood for the test the result came out negative,i just can’t deny that i’m the most happiest woman on earth this very moment ,i’m so happy and thanks to Herbalist Doctor JamesHe also told me he cures  diseases   such as ,Cancer,Weak Erection,Wart Remover,Hpv,Herpes,Fibromyalgia,Hiv,Hepatitis b,Liver/Kidney Inflammatory,Epilepsy,Infertility,Fibroid,Diabetes,Dercum,Copd,Back pain
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