How Sugar Makes Back Pain 350% Worse!

You don’t need to be a nutritionist to know that simple sugars are no good for our bodies. Although tasty, a consistently high intake of sugar has been shown to increase the risk of all sorts of chronic diseases-everything from heart disease, to obesity, to diabetes.

But what you probably didn’t know is that sugar can also do a number on your back pain!

Your Body’s Response to Sugar

When you eat a lot of simple sugar at one sitting, your body has a really hard time dealing with it all. Because sugar gets absorbed so quickly into our bloodstream, your body has to go into crisis mode to deal with it all.

Otherwise, your blood sugar levels shoot up like a rocket and then suddenly drop down. You’ve probably already experienced this “crash” before-even though I can manage the spike in blood sugar, your body can only do so much.

Sugar Aggravates Back Pain

No one’s quite sure how sugar makes pain worse, but it appears to have direct impact on how our brain perceives pain.

A research study gave two sets of volunteers two different meals. Group 1 ate a lot of complex carbohydrates like vegetables and whole grains. Group 2 received a meal chock full of sugar. During and after the meal, both groups received some painful shocks. When asked about how bad the pain was, the group that had the sugary meal felt twice the level of pain than the group with whole grains.

In essence, this study showed us that the amount of sugar we eat makes the pain we are feeling much worse. The amazing thing from this study is that the effect of sugar was felt in one single meal. Imagine the impact on your pain if you eat sugar all the time!

The researchers theorize that your body’s scramble to get blood sugar under control somehow makes the pain receptors in our brain more sensitize.

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Avoid Sugar, Reduce Back Pain

The easiest way to avoid simple sugars is to avoid processed foods as much as possible. During the manufacturing process, sugar is oftentimes added to food that wouldn’t otherwise have any (like bread).

Unfortunately, although die can cure back pain, just limiting sugar isn’t going to make your back pain go away. However, eating a diet that focuses on including natural foods, you can reduce your pain significantly.

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