7 Seconds to Back Pain Relief Review

Seven Seconds to Pain Relief was created by Roy Palmer who is widely known for his teachings in The Re-Education Method. This method focuses on disproving common assumptions and instead show methods that have been proven over decades of research and trials on how to beat pain in the body for good. Seven Seconds to Pain Relief revels the secrets of lasting relief from back, neck & shoulder pain. Roy has helped back pain sufferers, sports people and performing artists over the last 12 years. He is also the author of three books on the subject of performance enhancement, injury prevention and rehabilitation for athletes.

This Book covers the common questions dealing from conventional medical treatments, physical therapy, proper seating postures, to many others. These are the most likely and common solutions typically presented by medical professionals as the only back pain treatments. Roy on the other hand reveals if back pain is not due to a specific medical condition is it usually a muscular problem. This is the most common problem when people start to face back pain which traditional methods are mostly ineffective at treating. Since the human body is perfectly capable of supporting itself with minimal muscular effort certain postural muscles are ‘designed’ to provide long periods of sustained activity to keep us upright and balanced. Back pain and other muscular-skeletal problems can occur when we ‘misuse’ our body, or in other words use the wrong muscles to sit, stand and move. If we’re not moving correctly I our daily activities we’re going to do the same when trying to perform corrective exercises. By focusing on these areas results in relative quick back pain solutions for reducing or eliminating the most common types of back pain.

"I see many people who tighten their lower back muscles to sit and stand up straight - these are the wrong muscles! They should not be active to keep you upright, this should be a function performed by muscles higher up that will balance your upper body on your spine." -Roy Palmer

Seven Seconds To Pain Relief is not a simple cure all miracle but allows to better understand the facts and puts you on the right track to permeant recovery. If you are looking to address the cause of neck, back or shoulder pain you’ll need not to go deeper. Your muscles are only doing what you tell them to do, but, and here is the big question, do you know what you are telling them to do? In place of exercise a course of re-education will achieve far more by removing your bad habits that are causing your discomfort.

By knowing all of the options and solutions available to you gives you the power to understand what you should and shouldn't do without the run around from a "professional doctor". This book is amazing and you will certainly miss out if you do not pick up a copy for your self. What do you have to lose?? THE BACK PAIN IS WHAT!!!!!

Click here to get relief from back, neck & shoulder pain in just 7 seconds

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